PROJUS – National Research Report, Spain

This report covers Spain and constitutes one of the 5 national reports developed as part of the PRO-JUS project. The report is the result of a research that has combined desk research, analysis and semi-structured interviews with adult stakeholders and children. Developed according to a common research methodology that was employed in all of the 5 project countries, the report presents the research findings and identifies noteworthy practices as well as recommendations. Among the key research findings it was noted that the exercise of the right to interpretation is put at risk because there are no rules governing the registry of translators and interpreters, including what the requirements or qualifications should be to guarantee the quality of service. Professionals have difficulties developing a discourse that children can understand, and The exercise of the right to access to a lawyer is unduly delayed, with the start of the lawyer’s activity being contingent on the arrival of the legal guardian.

Rights International Spain
Terre des hommes