FOCUS objectives and outputs

about us

FOCUS is a two-year project implemented by Terre des Hommes in cooperation with partners in Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia and The Netherlands. It aims to guarantee that children in contact with the law, as victims and/or offenders, can access fair justice and individualised care and support, based on a multidisciplinary individual assessment of their needs.

Through FOCUS project, we aim in particular at:

  • Building knowledge, capacities and skills of youth justice professionals, about standards and practices in the use of multi-disciplinary individual assessments with children.
  • Making the robust individual multidisciplinary assessment tools and practices of a more systematic use and become of more common application with children involved in criminal proceedings across Europe.
  • Empowering children to be agents of change and advocates for child-centered justice, while building their capacities about their rights in the criminal justice system.
  • Improving attitudes of professionals and policymakers towards a child-centered approach in criminal proceedings across Europe.

As a result of the project..

  • 465 practitioners from various disciplines are trained 
  • 250 children in contact with the law benefit from better individual assessments
  • 3000 children and adults are more aware of the child-centered approach in criminal proceedings.