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For many children in Europe, criminal justice remains unjust. CLEAR-RIGHTS aims to ensure that free, specialized legal aid is accessible to every child accused or suspected of crime. CLEAR-RIGHTS supports practitioners from legal aid and pro bono systems, child justice stakeholders and children in conflict with the law.

This information library provides articles, resources and videos relating to the project.


The idea behind CLEAR-Rights is based on a very simple fact: all children in Europe are entitled to quality legal assistance. CLEAR-Rights aims to…
Experts gathered for the LA-Child conference learnt about the CLEAR-Rights project and its initiatives to ensure that free, specialized legal aid and…
"The ideal lawyer to me is someone who explains me everything with patience, until I do understand what I need to know" - Child Advisory Board…


When a child is accused, prosecuted or convicted of an offence, s/he will be confronted with a justice system that is very often insufficiently…
The six partner organisations in the project CLEAR-Rights: Enhancing legal assistance and access to justice for children in conflict with the law in…
Children in conflict with the law are entitled to quality legal assistance. However, for many of them in Europe, it remains difficult to have access…
Legal assistance for children in conflict with the law is a fundamental right. Good practices are evident (despite great differences between…


This video has been produced for the Child Advisory Board activities of the CLEAR-Rights project and it cannot be used without the permission of…
This video has been produced in the framework of the CLEAR-Rights project and it cannot be used without the permission of Terre des hommes Hungary.…
This video has been produced in the framework of the CLEAR-Rights project and it cannot be used without the permission of Terre des hommes Hungary.…




CLEAR-Rights is co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union (2014-2020). The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is the author’s sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.